Media Pack

Welcome to the Go Healthy Natural CBD Magazine Media Pack. This comprehensive guide provides essential information about our magazine, audience demographics, advertising opportunities, and pricing. We invite you to explore the potential of partnering with us to reach a highly engaged and targeted audience in the CBD industry.

About Go Healthy Natural CBD Magazine:

Go Healthy Natural CBD Magazine is an online publication dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information on CBD and its impact on promoting a healthy lifestyle. Our content is meticulously curated by industry experts, ensuring that our readers receive trustworthy insights and valuable resources.

Audience Demographics:

Our magazine attracts a diverse audience of CBD enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and those seeking natural alternatives for their wellness routines. Here is a snapshot of our audience demographics:

  • Gender: Primarily male (45%) and female (55%)
  • Age Range: 25-54 years old
  • Geographic Location: Primarily United States, with a growing international readership
  • Interests: Health and wellness, alternative medicine, natural supplements, fitness, holistic living

Advertising Opportunities:

  1. Banner Ads: Display your brand prominently with strategically placed banner advertisements throughout our website and articles. Choose from various banner sizes and placements to maximize visibility and engagement.
  2. Sponsored Content: Showcase your brand through sponsored articles and features. Our experienced writers can create tailored content that aligns with your brand’s message and resonates with our audience. Sponsored content allows you to educate, inform, and engage readers while establishing your brand as a trusted authority.
  3. Product Reviews: Have your CBD products featured in our comprehensive product review section. Our team will rigorously test and review your products, providing an unbiased assessment that helps readers make informed purchasing decisions.
  4. Newsletter Sponsorship: Connect directly with our engaged audience by sponsoring our newsletter. This option provides prime visibility and allows you to promote your brand through tailored messages to our dedicated subscribers.

Customized Advertising Packages:

We understand that each brand has unique goals and requirements. Therefore, we offer customized advertising packages tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for a combination of banner ads, sponsored content, or a comprehensive campaign, we will work closely with you to create a package that maximizes your brand’s visibility and impact.

Media Pack Download:

To access detailed information on advertising options, pricing, and specifications, please download our Media Pack. It provides a comprehensive overview of all available advertising opportunities and guidelines.

Download the Go Healthy Natural CBD Magazine Media Pack here: [Insert Download Link]

Contact Us:

Ready to elevate your brand’s presence in the CBD industry? We would love to discuss advertising opportunities with you and answer any questions you may have. For inquiries, please contact our advertising team at info@

Join Go Healthy Natural CBD Magazine and connect with our engaged audience to boost your brand’s visibility and success in the CBD market.

We look forward to partnering with you!